ARTEK Director Gwendolyn Toth performs organ music by Heinrich Scheidemann (c.1595-1663) on the historic organ in the Jacobuskerk, Zeerijp, Holland, with Gregorian chants sung by soprano Jessica Tranzillo. The organ at the Jacobuskerk was built between the years 1645-1651, during the lifetime of Scheidemann’s who lived in nearby Hamburg. It was reconstructed to its original 17th century disposition (19 stops, 2 manuals and pedal, short octave, and 1/4 comma meantone tuning at A=465 Hz) by Eskes & Blank in 1977-1979. “This is a perfect organ for Scheidemann’s music in that the meantone temperament with its incisive key traits tends to result in the strengthening of both the severity and sweetness of Scheidemann’s organ music. Although the Faber organ is a small one with two manuals and nineteen stops, it offers ample scope and power. Toth gives us a generous and varied group of works played in splendid fashion. Her blend of severity and sweetness is always compelling, and we are easily transported back to the Scheidemann’s Hamburg…Toth’s excellent disc certainly will be highly desirable to Scheidemann enthusiasts and a fine addition to those already on the market…However, you will only find the birds and sublime chant on Toth’s recording.” – Donald Satz