The Meantone Organ in Zeerijp

In 1645, Theodorus Faber was commissioned to build the organ in the Jacobuskerk in Zeerijp (Groningen). The original contract, dated 12 August 1645, shows a disposition with 19 stops. In 1651, the mechanical spring-chest organ was completed. In the following centuries, the organ was maintained and various repairs were carried out, but hardly anything was changed. It was decided in 1976 to reconstruct the organ and return it to its original state. The builders Bernhardt Edskes from Switzerland (Wohlen) and SF Blank from Herwijnen were given the commission and in 1979, the organ was inaugurated. Gwendolyn Toth plays a colorful program of early 17th century music by Sweelinck, H. Praetorius, Steigleder, and Scheidemann that takes full advantage of the 1/4 comma meantone tuning.

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New York Council on the Arts

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