November 11, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

As its name suggests, Byrd’s 1589 volume of songs varies widely in scoring, style, and mood. Byrd’s preface says that he is “desirous to delight thee with varietie, whereof (in my opinion) no Science is more plentifully adorned then Musicke,” and he offers the book as a musical compilation “to serve for all companies and voyces,” signing himself “The most affectionate freend to all that love or learne Musick.” ARTEK singers Sarah Chalfy, soprano; Kim Leeds, mezzo-soprano; Richard Pittsinger, tenor; Andrew Fuchs, tenor; Elijah Blaisdell, baritone; and Peter Becker, bass perform a selection of both sacred and secular masterpieces for 3, 4, 5 and 6 voices with keyboard and lute accompaniment including the partsong I thought that Love had been a boy and the anthem Unto the Hills Mine Eyes I Lift, a setting of Psalm 121.
Tickets: $50 preferred, $25 regular, $15 rear
Sarah Chalfy, soprano
Kim Leeds, mezzo-soprano
Richard Pittsinger, tenor
Andrew Fuchs, tenor
Elijah Blaisdell, baritone
Peter Becker, bass
Adam Cockerham, lute
Gwendolyn Toth, organ
Secular songs a 3
Susanna fair
The Nightingale
When younglings first – But when by proof
Upon a Summer’s day – Then for a boat
The greedy Hawk
Secular songs a 4
From Citheron the warlike boy is fled – There careless thoughts are freed – If Love be just
While that the Sun
Secular songs a 5
When I was otherwise
When first by force
I thought that Love had been a boy
O dear life
Of gold all burnished – Her breath is more sweet
Sacred Songs a 4
O Lord my God
Secular songs a 6
And think ye Nymphs to scorn at love – Love is a fit of pleasure
Sacred songs a 6
Unto the hills mine eyes I lift