Monteverdi: Madrigals, Book 9
October 20, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Monteverdi: Madrigals, Book 9
New York, NY 10024
The ARTEK singers and continuo perform the complete ninth book of madrigals by the early Baroque master, Claudio Monteverdi, published after his death in 1651. This collection of small-scale madrigals includes some of Monteverdi’s best-loved favorites (Zefiro torna and Bel Pastor), as well as many rarely heard duets and trios. ARTEK has been performing this virtuoso repertoire for nearly 30 years and its passion and expertise makes this a must-see event.
Tickets: $15, $25, $50
Click here to order tickets on the GEMS website
Sarah Chalfy, soprano
Clara Rottsolk, soprano
Kim Leeds, mezzo-soprano
Andrew Fuchs, tenor
Jacob Perry Jr., tenor
Peter Becker, bass
Christa Patton, harp
Daniel Swenberg, theorbo
Adam Cockerham, theorbo
Grant Herreid, lute
Gwendolyn Toth, director & harpsichord
Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Madrigals from Book 9 (published posthumously in 1651)
Bel pastor dal cui bel guardo
O sia tranquillo il mare o pien d’orgoglio
Alle danze, alle gioie
Perché se m’odiavi
Come dolce oggi
Si si ch’io v’amo, occhi vaghi, occhi belli
Alcun non mi consigli
Di far sempre gioire amor speranza dà
Ardo e scoprir, ahi lasso, io non ardisco
Zefiro torna e di soavi accenti
Se vittorie sì belle
Armato il cor d’adamantina fede
Non voglio amare per non penare
Su, su, su, pastorelli vezzosi
Quando dentro al tuo seno
O mio bene, o mia vita