The Arp Schnitger Organ in Noordbroek

Gwendolyn Toth plays the baroque organ in Noordbroek, the Netherlands, built by Arp Schnitger in 1696. Schnitger was one of the most famous organ builders of all time. Working from around 1660 to 1719, most of his organs were built in North Germany and the Netherlands.  The Noordbroek organ is justifiably renowned as one of his best-preserved instruments. It is a magical organ that brings the listener back in time to the late seventeenth-century. Music on the recording is by Bach, Pachelbel, Boehm, Reincken, Bruhns, and Scheidemann, including Bach’s monumental Prelude and Fugue in B minor, the beautiful ornamented chorale Herzlich thut mich verlangen, Pachelbel’s Ciacone in D, and Boehm’s touching Vater unser im Himmelreich ornamented chorale.


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